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Michael Spranger

Professur Forensisches Textmining und Computerlinguistik


  • Big Data/Data Mining (FO)
  • Semantische Technologien (FO)
  • Semantische Technologien (FO)
  • Text Retrieval und Text Mining (FO/CC)
  • Grundlagen des maschinellen Lernens (CC)
  • Softwareprojekt (FO/CC)
  • Grundlagen Datenanalyse/ -visualisierung (CC)


  • Raum 8-206a
  • Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung:
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    Phone+49 3727 58-1423


    NextGen https://nextgen.hs-mittweida.de/michael-spranger/


Förderkennzeichen: 100693885
Fördermittelgeber: Europäischer Sozialfonds (ESF)
Fördermittelvolumen: 1.097.675,74€
Förderdauer: 2024-2026

Abgeschlossene Projekte

article Forensic Communication Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities

2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). Von Jian Xi , Lukas Jaeckel , Michael Spranger , Melanie Siegel, Dirk Labudde

article Semi-supervised topic modelling as a tool for hypothesis-driven forensic communication analysis

4. International Workshop on Digital Forensics (IWDF4). Von Jenny Felser , Michael Spranger

article Towards Hypothesis-driven Forensic Text Exploration System

IARIA Congress 2023 - International Conference on Technical Advances and Human Consequences. Von Jenny Felser , Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article FoSIL at PAN’23: Trigger Detection with a Two Stage Topic Classifier

Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2023). Von Jenny Felser , Christoph Demus, Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article FoSIL at CheckThat! 2022: Using Human Behaviour-Based Optimization for Text Classification

Proceedings of the Working Notes of CLEF 2022 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. Von Andy Ludwig, Jenny Felser , Jian Xi , Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article Iterative Named Entity Recognition with Conditional Random Fields

Applied Sciences. Von Ana Alves-Pinto, Christoph Demus, Michael Spranger , Dirk Labudde , Eleanor Hobley

article Identifying the Impact of Online Tests in Learning Management Systems on Learning Success

IJIET (International Journal of Information and Education Technology). Von Ruben T. Wittrin, Viktoria Wüstenfeld, Michael Spranger , Volker Tolkmitt

article Classification of Bots and Gender using Topic Unigrams

The Tenth International Conference 2021. Von Astrid Fleig, Lisa Geyersbach, Melissa Göhler, Patricia Kurz, Michael Spranger

article Classification of Bots and Gender using Topic Unigrams

The Tenth International Conference 2021. Von Astrid Fleig, Lisa Geyersbach, Melissa Göhler, Patricia Kurz, Michael Spranger

article Automatically Identifying Online Grooming Chats Using CNN-based Feature Extraction

Proceedings of the 17th Conference 2021. Von Svenja Preuß , Tabea Bayha - Luna Pia Bley, Vivien Dehne, Alessa Jordan, Sophie Reimann, Fina Roberto, Josephine Romy Zahm, Hanna Siewerts, Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article Towards Inter-Rater-Agreement-Learning

IMMM 2020. Von Kai-Jannis Hanke, Andy Ludwig, Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article Multi-Label Classification of Blurbs with SVM Classifier Chains

Proceedings of the 15th Conference. Von Franz Bellmann, Lea Bunzel, Christoph Demus, Lisa Fellendorf, Olivia Gräupner, Qiuyi Hu, Tamara Lange, Alica Stuhr, Jian Xi , Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article FoSIL - Offensive language classification of German tweets combining SVMs and deep learning techniques

Proceedings of the 15th Conference. Von Florian Schmid, Justine Thielemann, Anna Mantwill, Jian Xi , Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article Opinion Leaders in Star-Like Social Networks: A simple Case?

The 8th. International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management (IMMM). Von Michael Spranger , Florian Heinke , Hanna Siewerts, Joshua Hampl, Dirk Labudde

article CNN-Based Offensive Language Detection

Proceedings of the GermEval 2018 Workshop - 14th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS). Von Jian Xi , Michael Spranger , Dirk Labudde

article Towards an Automated System for Music Event Detection

The 12th. International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO). Von Jian Xi , Michael Spranger , Hanna Siewerts, Dirk Labudde

article The Infiltration Game: Artificial Immune System for the Exploitation of Crime Relevant Information in Social Networks

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Information Management and Mining (IMMM). Von Michael Spranger , Sven Becker, Florian Heinke , Hanna Siewerts, Dirk Labudde

book Forensik in der digitalen Welt

Labudde, Spranger (Hg.) 2017 – Forensik in der digitalen Welt. Von Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger , Dirk Pawlaszczyk, Frank Czerner, Hartmut Luge, Christian Hummert, Sven Becker, Anne-Marie Pflugbeil, Karlheinz Thiele

chapter Textforensik

Labudde, Spranger (Hg.) 2017 – Forensik in der digitalen Welt. Von Michael Spranger , Dirk Labudde

article SoNA: A Knowledge-based Social Network Analysis Framework for Predictive Policing

International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems. Von Michael Spranger , Hanna Siewerts, Joshua Hampl, Florian Heinke , Dirk Labudde

article CAD to VR – A Methodology for the Automated Conversion of Kinematic CAD Models to Virtual Reality

Procedia CIRP. Von Mario Lorenz, Michael Spranger , Tino Riedel, Franziska Pürzel, Volker Wittstock, Philipp Klimant

article MoNA: Automated Identification of Evidence in Forensic Short Messages

International Journal On Advances in Security. Von Michael Spranger , Florian Heinke , Luisa Appelt, Marcus Puder, Dirk Labudde

article Towards Drone-assisted large-scale Disaster Response and Recovery

Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communication and Services. Von Michael Spranger , Florian Heinke , Sven Becker, Dirk Labudde

article Towards Predictive Policing: Knowledge-based Monitoring of Social Networks

The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management (IMMM 2015). Von Michael Spranger , Florian Heinke , Steffen Grunert, Dirk Labudde

article Semantic Tools for Forensics: Towards Finding Evidence in Short Messages

The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management. Von Michael Spranger , Dirk Labudde

article Towards Establishing an Expert System for Forensic Text Analysis

International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems. Von Michael Spranger , Dirk Labudde

article Semantic Tools for Forensics: Approaches in Forensic Text Analysis

The Third International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management (IMMM 2013). Von Michael Spranger , Dirk Labudde

article Semantic Tools for Forensics: A Highly Adaptable Framework

The Second International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management. Von Michael Spranger , Stefan Schildbach, Florian Heinke , Steffen Grunert, Dirk Labudde