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Jian Xi

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


  • Promotion zum Thema "Semantic Analysis of Complex Communication Networks in Mobile Forensics"
  • Forensic Text Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Information Retrieval


  • Raum 8-106
  • Sprechzeiten Dienstag 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr

    Phone+49 3727 58-1062


article Towards a joint semantic analysis in mobile forensics environments

Forensic Science International - Digital Investigation Volume 52, 2025. Von Jian Xi , Melanie Siegel, Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article Forensic Communication Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities

IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), 2024. Von Jian Xi , Lukas Jaeckel , Michael Spranger, Melanie Siegel, Dirk Labudde

article FoSIL at CheckThat! 2022: Using Human Behaviour-Based Optimization for Text Classification

Proceedings of the Working Notes of CLEF - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, 2022. Von Andy Ludwig, Jenny Felser, Jian Xi , Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article Recommendation of Query Terms for Colloquial Texts in Forensic Text Analysis

INFORMATIK 2022, 2022. Von Jenny Felser, Jian Xi , Christoph Demus, Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article MoNA: A Forensic Analysis Platform for Mobile Communication

KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 2022. Von Michael Spranger, Jian Xi , Lukas Jaeckel , Jenny Felser, Dirk Labudde

article Multi-Label Classification of Blurbs with SVM Classifier Chains

Proceedings of the 15th Conference, 2019. Von Franz Bellmann, Lea Bunzel, Christoph Demus, Lisa Fellendorf, Olivia Gräupner, Qiuyi Hu, Tamara Lange, Alica Stuhr, Jian Xi , Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article FoSIL - Offensive language classification of German tweets combining SVMs and deep learning techniques

Proceedings of the 15th Conference, 2019. Von Florian Schmid, Justine Thielemann, Anna Mantwill, Jian Xi , Dirk Labudde , Michael Spranger

article CNN-Based Offensive Language Detection

Proceedings of the GermEval Workshop - 14th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), 2018. Von Jian Xi , Michael Spranger, Dirk Labudde

article Towards an Automated System for Music Event Detection

The 12th. International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO), 2018. Von Jian Xi , Michael Spranger, Hanna Siewerts, Dirk Labudde