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Florian Heinke

Teacher for special assignments

Research Focus

  • Statistical modeling
  • Machine learning

Teaching Modules

  • Biodata Processing (BT)
  • Biodata Sciences (BT)
  • Research Seminar (BT)
  • Structure-based Bioinformatics (BT)
  • Workflows in Bioinformatics (BT)
  • Optional Module "Biodata Visualization" (BT)
  • Bioinformatics for Omics (BT)
  • General Forensics V (FO)
  • Optional Module "Generative and Statistical Modeling for Forensic Scientists (FO)"


  • Room 8-104
  • Consultation hours by appointment

    Phone+49 3727 58-1562


article Measuring Competence: Improvements to Determine the Degree of Opinion Leadership in Social Networks

International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology. By Michael Spranger, Kai-Jannis Hanke, Florian Heinke , Dirk Labudde

article Towards a better understanding of students in the entry phase of their studies

Proceedings of the 9th Computer Science Education Research Conference. By Maik Benndorf, Gabriel Kind, Hanna Siewerts, Florian Heinke , Uwe Schneider

article Forensisch-anthropologische Bestimmung des Individualalters

Sackmann, Rix et al. (Hg.) - 20. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz. By Saskia Jeraufke, Florian Heinke , Stefan Schildbach, Karlheinz Thiele, Jan Dreßler, Dirk Labudde

article A Novel Approach for Fast Protein Structure Comparison and Heuristic Structure Database Searching Based on Residue EigenRank Scores

Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Paving the Road to Smart Data Processing and Analysis. By Florian Heinke , Lars Hempel, Dirk Labudde

article Möglichkeiten photogrammetrischer und laserscanbasierter Methoden zur 3D Dokumentation humaner Knochenmaterialien

Konferenzposter auf der 97. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rechtsmedizin. By Sven Becker, Tommy Bergmann , Saskia Jeraufke, Florian Heinke , Dirk Labudde

article A Comprehensive Framework for High Resolution Image-based 3D Modeling and Documentation of Crime Scenes and Disaster Sites

International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements. By Sven Becker, Michael Spranger, Florian Heinke , Steffen Grunert, Dirk Labudde

article Opinion Leaders in Star-Like Social Networks: A simple Case?

The 8th. International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management (IMMM). By Michael Spranger, Florian Heinke , Hanna Siewerts, Joshua Hampl, Dirk Labudde

article Pyridine Nucleotide Coenzyme Specificity of p-Hydroxybenzoate Hydroxylase and Related Flavoprotein Monooxygenases

Frontiers in microbiology. By Adrie H. Westphal, Dirk Tischler, Florian Heinke , Sarah Hofmann, Janosch A. D. Gröning, Dirk Labudde , Willem J. H. van Berkel

article The Infiltration Game: Artificial Immune System for the Exploitation of Crime Relevant Information in Social Networks

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Information Management and Mining (IMMM). By Michael Spranger, Sven Becker, Florian Heinke , Hanna Siewerts, Dirk Labudde

article SoNA: A Knowledge-based Social Network Analysis Framework for Predictive Policing

International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems. By Michael Spranger, Hanna Siewerts, Joshua Hampl, Florian Heinke , Dirk Labudde

article MoNA: Automated Identification of Evidence in Forensic Short Messages

International Journal On Advances in Security. By Michael Spranger, Florian Heinke , Luisa Appelt, Marcus Puder, Dirk Labudde

article Towards Drone-assisted large-scale Disaster Response and Recovery

Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communication and Services. By Michael Spranger, Florian Heinke , Sven Becker, Dirk Labudde

article eQuant - A Server for Fast Protein Model Quality Assessment by Integrating High-Dimensional Data and Machine Learning

Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Advanced Technologies for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. By Sebastian Bittrich, Florian Heinke , Dirk Labudde

article Evaluation of Descriptor Algorithms of Biological Sequences and Distance Measures for the Intelligent Cluster Index (ICIx)

Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures. Advanced Technologies for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. By Stefan Schildbach, Florian Heinke , Wolfgang Benn, Dirk Labudde

article Functional Analyses of Membrane Protein Mutants involved in Nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus: An Energy-based Approach - In: Research on Diabetes

Research on Diabetes. Functional Analyses of Membrane Protein Mutants involved in Nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus - An Energy-based Approach. By Florian Heinke , Dirk Labudde

article eProS - An online Toolbox, Knowledgebase and Repository for Protein Energy Profiling

International Conference on Applied Informatics. By Florian Heinke , Stefan Schildbach, Daniel Stockmann, Dirk Labudde

article Semantic Tools for Forensics: A Highly Adaptable Framework

The Second International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management. By Michael Spranger, Stefan Schildbach, Florian Heinke , Steffen Grunert, Dirk Labudde