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Description: Carrying out practical experiments with synthetic liquids
Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Dirk Labudde
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Description: Development of a realistic and practice-oriented scenario for a cyber crisis simulation that targets current threats and challenges in the field of cyber security, support in creating training materials for ‘Cyber Crisis Management - Experiencing Crisis Simulation Live’ and evaluation tools to assess participants during and after the simulation.
Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Amon Bentke
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Description: Super recognizers are people with extraordinary face recognition abilities that enable them to identify faces with a remarkably high degree of accuracy, even after long periods of time or under challenging conditions. In law enforcement, super recognizers play a crucial role by helping to identify suspects or missing persons. In contrast, artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advances in facial recognition in recent years. Using machine learning and neural networks, AI can analyze large amounts of data and recognize patterns in faces to automate identification. This technology is increasingly being used in various applications, from surveillance to access control, and has proven to be highly efficient. Despite the progress made in both human super recognizers and AI, the question remains as to where the limits of human abilities lie and to what extent the performance of AI can exceed or complement them. Can the abilities of super recognizers also be used in other ways? How do super recognizers compare to artificial intelligence when it comes to accurately recognizing faces?
Main tasks: Evaluation and discussion of a test specially designed for Super-Recognizer in Saxony and carried out on September 25, 2024, evaluation of the data set on which the test is based using modern methods of artificial intelligence, and discussion of the results, comparison between Super-Recognizer and AI, further development of the Super-Recognizer test if necessary.
Requirements: Experience with quantitative analysis methods and basic knowledge of statistics, basic programming skills in Python, initiative, creative ideas and an interest in trying out and learning something new.
Note: The aim is to publish your work in a scientific journal at the end.
Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Svenja Preuß
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Tasks: Analyze MasterLock Vault Home App, examine the app in a virtual environment, collect forensic traces, classify / categorize forensic traces according to relevance
Requirements: Basic knowledge of Linux / Android, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Internship / Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Analyze Abus One app, examine the app in a virtual environment, collect forensic traces, classify / categorize forensic traces according to relevance
Requirements: Basic knowledge of Linux / Android, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Internship / Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
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Tasks: Recording network traffic, analyzing network traffic, identifying weak points, documenting transmitted information, Bosch contact sensor, SwitchBot contact sensor
Requirements: Understanding of network communication, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Internship / Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Provision of software libraries C++, provision of hD2 microcontroller board, uniformly structure software libraries, establish compatibility of software libraries with each other, programming a demo program, developing new software libraries, improving code quality
Requirements: Programming knowledge (C++ is used), structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Internship. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Analyze Bosch Smart Camera App, examine the app in a virtual environment, examine the app on rooted Pixel 7a, analyze forensic traces, classify forensic traces by relevance
Requirements: Basic knowledge of Linux / Android, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Bachelor thesis / Master thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Data collection in Withingswaage, recording forensic traces - in the network (BLE, WiFi, ...), in the app on rooted Pixel 7a, in the cloud, classifying forensic traces according to relevance
Requirements: Basic knowledge of Linux / Android, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Internship / Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Analyze Yale Smart Lock, evaluate contacts on the smart lock, examine forensic traces in the cloud, on cell phones and on the network, classify forensic traces according to relevance
Requirements: Basic knowledge of Linux / Android, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Bachelor thesis / Master thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Evaluate terms and conditions, evaluate theses on forensic traces, list personal data, list other collected data, create an overview of all data
Requirements: Structured and methodical approach, stamina when reading dry texts, organized literature research
Bachelor thesis / Master thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Drone is provided, based on the results of the master's thesis by Sebastian Storm, finalizing the remote control, suppressing reconnection of the original controller, integrating the camera feed
Requirements: Programming knowledge of Python, basic knowledge of networking, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Master thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
More about this thesis
Tasks: Custom keyboard is provided, modification of the open source software for script injection, creating demonstrations, summary for forensics
Requirements: Basic programming knowledge, structured and methodical approach, organized literature research
Internship / Bachelor thesis. Contact:
Felix Fischer
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Sachbearbeitung (m/w/d) Cyberabwehr. Contact:
Kristin Beer
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Staatsanwaltschaft Halle (Saale) (Zentralstelle zur Bekämpfung der Hasskriminalität im Internet). Contact:
Kristin Beer
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Justiz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Contact:
Kristin Beer
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GICON® - Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH. Contact:
Kristin Beer